Care Tactics: Hacking An Ableist World
By Laura Mauldin Picture © Facultative Works As part of a project funded by the Social Science Research Council , virtual interviews and home visits were conducted with forty-four caregivers, and their partners when possible, across twenty-two states to ask them about their caregiving experiences. Participants also provided photos of their homes and hacks. In compliance with research ethics, all names are pseudonyms. For an archive of detailed examples of disability hacks sourced from the spousal caregivers and disabled folks who participated in this research, you can visit . HERE IS WHAT DOESN’T GO VIRAL: Ángel worked as a housepainter for decades but had a stroke three years ago that paralyzed the left side of his body. Now, his favorite spot is the recliner in his living room. From his perch, he can reach some essential items that he stores on a table to his right: a power screwdriver, painter’s tape, and a clipboard with paper and pen. “I’d like to