A universal concern for both home care and institutional caregivers is patient transfers. The challenge is to lift physically-impaired patients without harm to the patients and without injuring the caregiver.
Traxx Mobility Systems Titan 500 Freestanding Overhead Patient Lift |
Traxx Mobility Systems
Titan 500 Freestanding Overhead Patient Lift allows a single caregiver to lift and transfer a patient with ease and safety. This affords families and caregivers the ability to care for the disabled in the comfort and security of their homes while providing hospitals, long-term care facilities, patient rehabilitation centers and schools a safer work environment for their caregivers and reducing both their labor and workers' compensation costs.
Floor-Based Lifts Are Ill-Suited For Home Care |
Currently available floor based lifting devices are awkward to use and maneuver and are particularly unsuited for use in the home. Institutionally, they are often limited to use by no less than two people because of their lack of stability and facility regulations to reduce caregiver injury.
Ceiling-Mounted Track |
Ceiling mounted track lifts are 100% to 300% more expensive than the Titan 500. They require installation by a licensed contractor. They may or may not afford additional directional movement and limited capacity for lifting heavy patients.
For more information on the Titan 500 Freestanding Overhead Patient Lift, visit our
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