A life taken. A life given. A life shared.
When she read the article in the Cape Cod Times about the 11-year-old girl who underwent a life-saving liver transplant, Melissa Dunphe knew.
“Too many pieces fit for it not to be.”
She knew that the child, who was at the same hospital on the same floor on the same day, had to be the one who received her five-year-old daughter Kaitlyn’s liver.
Read the entire article here: https://thriving.childrenshospital.org/life-taken-life-given-life-shared/?preview_id=32462&utm_campaign=FY17Q3NatlTXDonateLifeMonth2017&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_content=thriving%20liver%20tx%20hannah&sf53808103=1
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